Saturday, September 21, 2013

Being Familiar With Drink Driving Penalties

Drink driving is a serious offense that carries heavy penalties to those people who are charged. In the state of Victoria, alcohol is accounted as the culprit behind one fourth of the cause of death of drivers in road accidents.

Drink driving penalties may involve heavy fines or actual imprisonment, depending on various factors such as the blood alcohol content and the number of times a person has already been apprehended for driving under the influence of alcohol.

A drink driving offense can be imposed on public roads and private properties. A person who is not actually driving but is over the alcohol limit and sitting on the driver’s seat while the keys are in the ignition may also get in trouble with the law.

About the author – Aaron Linney is a law student who wants to specialize on criminal law. He familiarizes himself with the penalties involving drink driving by reading the articles on

1 comment:

  1. Nice Article! A beverage driving offense could be encroached on open ways and private lands. An individual who is not really driving however is over as far as possible and sitting on the driver's seat while the keys are in the ignition might likewise get in a bad position with the law. Thanks for sharing..

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